How Big The Little World Felt (with Jeremy Wineberg)

I collaborated with artist Jeremy Wineberg on a video for the newly-renovated Madison Central Public Library, and it was shown there starting with the huge opening party (STACKED, a kind of “bookend” to the library closing party BOOKLESS), until October 30, 2013 (a soundtrack was added in 2018). 

This video is a sequel to The Children of the Mountain Ride Again (using the same three books), and is made mostly with the great contributions of a great bunch of people:

Lucy & Silas Wineberg
Michael Velliquette
Scott Espeseth
Sam Osenar & Ben Nelson
Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler
Susan, Mira & Jakob Nelson-Nafranowicz
Fernanda Loaiza-Renfro
Gary Sumnicht & Alison Wineberg
Rachel Bruya